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doi: 10.1183/13993003.02688 -2020人。 2021年4月出版




三星Korstenet al。 欧元呼吸



方法:这项国际性、前瞻性、观察性队列研究是欧洲呼吸道合胞病毒联盟(RESCEU)工作的一部分。参与者在两个独立的RSV季节之前通过全科医生(gp)办公室招募。参与者每周报告一个RSV季节的急性呼吸道感染(ARTI)症状。ARTI患者在家访期间进行RSV检测,并完成每日症状日记。RSV疾病包括聚合酶链反应(pcr)证实的ARTI和在该季节显示血清转化的ARTI。RSV ARTI仅基于PCR (ClinicalTrials.gov,NCT03621930).

结果:我们招募了1040名参与者(2017-2018赛季527人,2018-2019赛季513人),中位年龄为75岁(范围60-100岁)。其中,1023人(99%)在基线时独立在家生活。RSV疾病发病率分别为527例中的22例(4.2%)和513例中的37例(7.2%)。RSV疾病在研究过程中不影响虚弱或心肺状态。无患者因RSV疾病住院或死亡。在36例PCR确诊的RSV ARTI患者中,症状持续时间平均为19天,36例中有11例(31%)去看医生。RSV ARTI在临床上无法根据症状与其他ARTI进行区分。



利益冲突:科斯顿没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:n·阿德里安森斯没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:S. Coenen报告了在研究进行期间来自欧盟(EU) Horizon 2020研究和创新计划和欧洲制药工业和协会联合会(EFPIA)创新药物计划2 (IMI-2)联合项目(赠款:116019)的赠款和非财政支持。利益冲突:C. Butler报告了国家卫生研究所(NIHR)(作为NIHR高级研究员)提供的赠款、欧盟地平线2020计划提供的赠款支持该研究、国家卫生研究所卫生保健相关感染和抗微生物药物耐药性研究部门提供的赠款、国家卫生研究所卫生部门为MedTech和体外诊断合作提供的赠款,用于创新诊断和监测技术,以加强社区卫生保健;辉瑞和罗氏分子系统公司顾问委员会工作的个人费用;以及罗氏分子诊断公司的资助。利益冲突:B.拉文法没有什么要透露的。利益冲突:H. Rutter没有什么可透露的。利益冲突:j·艾伦没有什么可透露的。 Conflict of interest: A. Falsey reports grants from Janssen, Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, and Pfizer, as well as non-financial support for meeting attendance from Sanofi Pasteur, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: J-Y. Pirçon is an employee of GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines. Conflict of interest: O. Gruselle is an employee of GlaxoSmithKline. Conflict of interest: V. Pavot is an employee of Sanofi Pasteur. Conflict of interest: C. Vernhes is an employee of Sanofi Pasteur. Conflict of interest: S. Balla-Jhagjhoorsingh is an employee of Janssen Vaccines & Prevention. Conflict of interest: D. Öner is an employee of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV and reports grants from the IMI-2 Joint Undertaking (grant: 116019), during the conduct of the study. Conflict of interest: G. Ispas is an employee of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. Conflict of interest: J. Aerssens is an employee of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV. Conflict of interest: V. Shinde has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: T. Verheij reports grants from Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Becton Dickinson, Abbott and Biomerieux, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: L. Bont has regular interaction with pharmaceutical and other industrial partners. He has not received personal fees or other personal benefits; however, University Medical Center Utrecht has received major funding for investigator-initiated studies from AbbVie, MedImmune, Janssen, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Nutricia (Danone) and MeMed Diagnostics; has received major cash or in kind funding as part of the public–private partnership, IMI-2 funded REspiratory Syncytial virus Consortium in EUrope (RESCEU) project from GlaxoSmithKline, Novavax, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sanofi; has received major funding from Julius Clinical for participating in the INFORM study sponsored by MedImmune; has received minor funding for participation in trials by Regeneron and Janssen from 2015–2017; and has received minor funding for consultation and invited lectures by AbbVie, MedImmune, Ablynx, Bavaria Nordic, MabXience, Novavax, Pfizer and Janssen. L. Bont is also the founding chairman of the ReSViNET Foundation. Conflict of interest: J. Wildenbeest has nothing to disclose.





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