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2008年8月15日; 47(4):496-502。
DOI:10.1086 / 590005。

Treatment outcomes for HIV-uninfected patients with multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis

Yong Soo Kwon1,,,, Yee Hyung Kim.,,,, Gee Young Suh,,,, Man Pyo Chung,,,, Hojoong Kim,,,, o Jung Kwon.,,,, 王苏富,,,, KWHANMIEN KIM.,,,, Jhingook Kim,,,, 年轻的玉米米,,,, Won-Jung Koh

Treatment outcomes for HIV-uninfected patients with multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis

Yong Soo Kwon等等。 临情临情dis.


Background:Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) is more difficult to treat than is drug-susceptible TB. To elucidate the optimal therapy for MDR TB, we assessed the treatment outcomes and prognostic factors for patients with MDR TB.


结果:Of 155 patients, 18 (12%) had newly diagnosed MDR TB, 81 (52%) had previously received treatment with first-line drugs, and 56 (36%) had received treatment with second-line drugs. The isolated strains were resistant to a median of 5 drugs. Twenty-seven patients (17%) had extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB at the start of treatment. Outcome assessment revealed that 102 patients (66%) were cured or completed therapy. The treatment success rates did not differ significantly between patients with non-XDR MDR TB and those with XDR TB (66% vs. 67%). Surgical resection was performed more frequently for patients with XDR TB than for those with non-XDR MDR TB (48% vs. 17%). Combined surgical resection, body mass index >/=18.5 (calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters), use of >4 effective drugs, and a negative sputum smear result were independent predictors of a favorable outcome.

Conclusions:Early aggressive treatment comprising at least 4 effective drugs and surgical resection, when indicated, may improve the outcome for patients with MDR TB or XDR TB.


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