作者@article {Orriols175 = {Orriols, R和妈妈oz, X and Ferrer, J and Huget, P and Morell, F}, title = {Cocaine-induced Churg-Strauss vasculitis}, volume = {9}, number = {1}, pages = {175--177}, year = {1996}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society}, abstract = {A freebase cocaine-smoking woman developed relapsing fever, bronchoconstriction, arthralgias and weight loss. Pulmonary infiltrates, arthritis, microhaematuria, pruriginous skin rash and mononeuritis multiplex were later added to the clinical picture. Both skin and muscle biopsies showed eosinophilic angiitis. Improvement or worsening of her clinical picture repeatedly coincided with avoidance or use of smoked cocaine, respectively. We suggest that Churg-Strauss vasculitis may be a complication of smoking freebase cocaine.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/1/175}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/9/1/175.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }