Ty -Jour T1-使用基于干扰素-γ的血液测试检测潜在结核病感染JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1 LP -1 LP -3 DO -10.1183/09031936.06.0006.00047606 VL -281 Au -Davies,P。D. O. Au -Drobniewski,F。Y1-2006/07/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/28/1/1/1/1.abstract n2-最近3晚同事抱怨说,在100年后,检测结核病(TB)感染的唯一方法仍然是测量“手臂上的颠簸”。现在,最后,我们有了真正的改进替代方案:离体细胞干扰素(IFN)基于基于γ的血液测试。我们需要问的关键问题是它们在检测到TB细菌感染以及是否具有成本效益时有多好?不幸的是,确定这些问题的答案并不容易。新的离体细胞IFN-γ分析(CIGA)是根据患者暴露于分枝​​杆菌抗原时从患者的T细胞中释放出来的。这些新颖的测定依赖于以下原则:编码分泌蛋白早期分泌抗原靶标(ESAT)6/培养滤液蛋白(CFP)10的基因在Bacille Calmette -Guérin(BCG)疫苗菌株中不存在。commercial cellular immunological assays have been developed in which IFN-γ output from the patient’s whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells are measured following treatment with ESAT6/CFP10 antigens 1. Different assay formats have been developed. One method relies on the relatively straightforward ELISA detection after a fixed volume of whole blood is incubated in a tube with ESAT6/CFP10 antigens (Quantiferon Gold; Cellestis Limited, Carnegie, Australia). The other method currently available commercially is the T-Spot.TB assay (Oxford Immunotec, Oxford, UK) based on the enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) principle. The methods appear to be both sensitive and specific. These assays have the potential to change the face of the diagnosis of latent TB infection (LTBI) and active TB at an early stage in the disease process. Their use is also likely to transform the screening of new migrants and other population groups. These tests require only a single blood sample without the repeat visit required for the tuberculin skin … ER -