TY -的T1 -意大利多中心研究慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者无创通气JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 529 LP - 538 - 10.1183 / 09031936.02.02162001六世- 20 - 3 AU - e临床非盟- c . Sturani盟- a·罗西盟- s Viaggi盟——a·柯拉盟严峻唐纳盟- n . Ambrosino A2, Y1 - 2002/09/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/20/3/529.abstract N2 -慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者慢性通气失败(CVF)更容易患急性加重,这是一个重要的决定因素与健康有关的生活质量(HRQL)。长期无创正压通气(NPPV)提出了除了长期氧疗法(LTOT)治疗CVF但信息几乎没有对HRQL和资源消耗的影响。因此,当前的作者进行了多中心时颁发新加坡莱佛士学院集团与前瞻性,随机,对照试验评估NPPV + LTOT的影响:1)血碳酸过多症的严重程度;2)利用医疗资源,3)HRQL,独自与LTOT相比。一百二十二年稳定hypercapnic COPD患者LTOT≥6个月连续登记。包容和月试车后,90名患者被随机分配到NPPV + LTOT (n = 43)或单独LTOT (n = 47)。动脉血液气体,医院重症监护室(ICU)招生,医院和ICU停留时间和HRQL主要结果的措施;生存和辍学率,症状(呼吸困难和睡眠质量)和运动耐量二级结果的措施。后续执行每隔3个月到2年。肺功能、吸气肌肉功能锻炼宽容和睡眠质量评分两组里不随时间变化。 By contrast the carbon dioxide tension in arterial blood on usual oxygen, resting dyspnoea and HRQL, as assessed by the Maugeri Foundation Respiratory Failure Questionnaire, changed differently over time in the two groups in favour of NPPV+LTOT. Hospital admissions were not different between groups during the follow-up. Nevertheless, overall hospital admissions showed a different trend to change in the NPPV+LTOT (decreasing by 45%) as compared with the LTOT group (increasing by 27%) when comparing the follow-up with the follow-back periods. ICU stay decreased over time by 75% and 20% in the NPPV+LTOT and LTOT groups, respectively. Survival was similar. Compared with long-term oxygen therapy alone, the addition of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to long-term oxygen therapy in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with chronic ventilatory failure: 1) slightly decreased the trend to carbon dioxide retention in patients receiving oxygen at home and 2) improved dyspnoea and health-related quality of life. The results of this study show some significant benefits with the use of nocturnal, home noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in patients with chronic ventilatory failure due to advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Further work is required to evaluate the effect of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation on reducing the frequency and severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. This study was supported by AIPO (Italian Association of Hospital Pulmonologists) and Markos-Mefar through Air Liquide Group Italia. ER -