RT Journal文章SR Electronic T1睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者睡眠时肺动脉压力的时间过程:复发性呼吸暂停的作用JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 440 OP 446 DO 10.1188 /09031936.188bet官网地址98.11020440 VO 2 A1 Sforza, E A1 Laks, L A1 Grunstein, RR A1 Krieger, J A1 Sullivan, CE YR 1998 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/11/2/440.abstract AB最近的动物实验结果表明,重复低氧血症刺激可能导致肺动脉压(Ppa)渐进式升高。本研究旨在探讨复发性阻塞性呼吸暂停对Ppa的影响。因此,我们检查了7例阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)患者和5例打鼾者的Ppa夜间变化趋势。测量呼吸暂停前、开始时、结束时和结束后的平均Ppa。每1小时对至少10例随机选择的呼吸暂停患者进行分析,整晚至少7小时。在打鼾者中,在夜晚的每个小时内随机选择100个数值进行测量。在夜间研究结束后的早晨,测量Ppa对急性缺氧和高碳酸血症的反应。打鼾者在睡眠7小时内未发现Ppa变化[Ppa斜率:-0.002+/-0.10 mmHg × h(-1)]。在OSAS患者中,整晚发现Ppa轻微但显著升高,影响呼吸暂停前[Ppa斜率:0.7+/-0.16 mmHg × h(-1)]、呼吸暂停开始时[Ppa斜率:0.530.1 mmHg × h(-1)]、呼吸暂停结束时[Ppa斜率:0.44+/-0.08 mmHg × h(-1)]和呼吸暂停后[Ppa斜率:0.55+/-0.1 mmHg × h(-1)]的数值。 When we limited the analysis to nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, a trend in progressive Ppa was also present, irrespective of changes in apnoea duration and apnoea desaturation. The Ppa rise during the night was not affected by diurnal Ppa pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia and hypercapnia or indices of sleep apnoea severity. We conclude that in obstructive sleep apnoea, pulmonary artery pressure progressively increases during the night, reflecting the cumulative effects of apnoeas and nocturnal hypoxaemia.