%0期刊文章%a Prescott,e%a lange,p%a vestbo,j%t社会经济状况,肺功能和送入COPD医院的入院:哥本哈根城市心脏研究的结果%D 1999%j欧洲呼吸道杂志j1109-1114%v 13%n 5%x这项研究分析了教育和收入对评估肺功能和医院入院的慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的影响。该研究人群由14,223名受试者组成,年龄在20 - 90岁之间,1976年从哥本哈根人口中随机取样。社会经济因素与一秒钟(FEV1)(FEV1)的强迫呼气量之间的关联和强制性生命能力(FVC)(FVC)在研究中进行了分析。通过线性回归。从研究进入到1993年,社会经济因素与入院医院的风险之间的关系是通过登记联系评估的。教育和收入与FEV1和FVC独立相关。FEV1(平均+/- SEM)的年龄和身高调整后的差异(平均+/- SEM)在女性中为259 +/- 31毫升,男性为400 +/- 39毫升。在对吸烟和吸入的数量和持续时间进行额外调整后,女性和男性的差异分别为220 +/- 31 mL和363 +/- 39 mL。FVC的结果相同。使用社会经济指数结合了有关教育和家庭收入的信息,随着年龄的增长,与肺部功能的关联没有差异。 A total of 219 females and 265 males were admitted to hospital for COPD during follow-up. Education and income were significantly associated with admission to hospital. After detailed adjustment for smoking the relative risks (95% confidence intervals) for medium and high versus low socioeconomic index in females were 0.74 (0.55-1.02) and 0.27 (0.10-0.73), respectively. Corresponding relative risks in males were 0.47 (0.36-0.63) and 0.35 (0.17-0.70). The results indicate that socioeconomic factors operating from early in life affect the adult risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease independently of smoking in both females and males. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/13/5/1109.full.pdf