Ty -jour t1-集中式测定的诊断准确性,用于结核病检测和检测对利福平和异尼氏菌的抗性:系统评价和荟萃分析JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J -10.1183/1.1183/139993003.00747-2020-00747-2020 VL -57-2 SP -2000747 Au -Kohli,Mikashmi au -MacLean,Emily au -Pai,Madhukar au -Schumacher,Samuel G.Au -Denkinger -Claudia M..com/content/57/2/2000747.Abstract N2-各种诊断公司已经开发了用于结核病(TB)的高通量分子测定法(TB)和利福平和异尼氏酶的耐药性检测。我们进行了系统的审查和荟萃分析,以评估其中五个肺样本测试的诊断准确性。包括的测试包括Abbott Realtime MTB,Abbott Realtime Rif/INH,Fluorotype MTB,Fluorotype MTDBR和BD MAX MAX MDR-TB分析。对六个数据库的全面搜索进行了相关引用。包括任何指数测试的横截面,病例对照,队列研究和随机对照试验。呼吸标本(例如痰液,支气管肺泡灌洗,气管抽吸物等)或其培养物分离株。总共21种研究贡献了26个数据集。我们只能为确定的五个测定法中的三个分析数据,因为其余两个的数据受到限制。对于结核病检测,所包括的测定的灵敏度为91%或以上,特异性范围从97%到100%。对于利福平耐药性检测,所有随附的测定的灵敏度超过92%,特异性为99-100%。 Sensitivity for isoniazid resistance detection varied from 70 to 91%, with higher specificity of 99–100% across all index tests. Studies that included head-to-head comparisons of these assays with Xpert MTB/RIF for detection of TB and rifampicin resistance suggested comparable diagnostic accuracy.In people with symptoms of pulmonary TB, the centralised molecular assays demonstrate comparable diagnostic accuracy for detection of TB, rifampicin and isoniazid resistance to Xpert MTB/RIF assay, a WHO recommended molecular test.In people with symptoms of pulmonary TB, the centralised molecular assays demonstrate comparable diagnostic accuracy for detection of TB, rifampicin resistance, and isoniazid resistance to existing WHO recommended tests https://bit.ly/3kQE20V ER -