TY - JOUR T1 - 标准化短方案对于利福平或多药抗性结核病JF个体化更长方案 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - 欧洲呼吸j执行 - 10.1183 / 13993003.01467-2019 VL - 55 - 3SP - 1901467 AU - Abidi,赛义德AU - ACHAR,周杰伦AU - Assao Neino,Mourtala穆罕默德AU - 砰,迪迪AU - 贝内代蒂,安德烈AU - Brode,萨拉AU - 坎贝尔,乔纳森R. AU - 卡萨斯,以斯帖C. AU- Conradie,弗朗西斯AU - Dravniece,贡策AU - 杜克罗,菲利普AU - 法尔松,丹尼斯AU - 哈拉米略,埃内斯托AU - Kuaban,克里斯托弗AU - 兰,范志毅AU - 兰格,克里斯托夫AU - 李,裴植AU - Makhmudova,Mavluda AU - Maug,昂KYA洁AU - 孟席斯,迪克AU - 米廖,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔AU - 米勒,安盟 - Myrzaliev,Bakyt AU - Ndjeka,诺伯特AU - Noeske,于尔根AU - Parpieva,Nargiza AU - Piubello,阿尔贝托AU- Schwoebel势,瓦莱丽AU - Sikhondze,Welile AU - Singla,Rupak AU - 苏莱曼,穆罕默杜·巴西鲁AU - Trébucq,阿尔诺AU - 范Deun,阿尔芒AU - Viney,凯丽AU - 韦耶,卡琳AU - 张,贝蒂张敬轩AU - 艾哈迈德汗,伊兹Y1 - 2020年3月1日UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/3/1901467.abstract N2 -We sought to compare the effectiveness of two World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended regimens for the treatment of rifampin- or multidrug-resistant (RR/MDR) tuberculosis (TB): a standardised regimen of 9–12 months (the “shorter regimen”) and individualised regimens of ≥20 months (“longer regimens”).We collected individual patient data from observational studies identified through systematic reviews and a public call for data. We included patients meeting WHO eligibility criteria for the shorter regimen: not previously treated with second-line drugs, and with fluoroquinolone- and second-line injectable agent-susceptible RR/MDR-TB. We used propensity score matched, mixed effects meta-regression to calculate adjusted odds ratios and adjusted risk differences (aRDs) for failure or relapse, death within 12 months of treatment initiation and loss to follow-up.We included 2625 out of 3378 (77.7%) individuals from nine studies of shorter regimens and 2717 out of 13 104 (20.7%) individuals from 53 studies of longer regimens. Treatment success was higher with the shorter regimen than with longer regimens (pooled proportions 80.0% versus 75.3%), due to less loss to follow-up with the former (aRD −0.15, 95% CI −0.17– −0.12). The risk difference for failure or relapse was slightly higher with the shorter regimen overall (aRD 0.02, 95% CI 0–0.05) and greater in magnitude with baseline resistance to pyrazinamide (aRD 0.12, 95% CI 0.07–0.16), prothionamide/ethionamide (aRD 0.07, 95% CI −0.01–0.16) or ethambutol (aRD 0.09, 95% CI 0.04–0.13).In patients meeting WHO criteria for its use, the standardised shorter regimen was associated with substantially less loss to follow-up during treatment compared with individualised longer regimens and with more failure or relapse in the presence of resistance to component medications. Our findings support the need to improve access to reliable drug susceptibility testing.Standardised shorter regimens for RR/MDR-TB had substantially lower risk of loss to follow-up than individualised longer regimens, but also higher risk of failure or relapse if there was resistance to component drugs http://bit.ly/2RQgXzq ER -