Ty -jour t1-电子烟蒸气对肺部的影响:直接比较与烟草烟雾JF-欧洲呼吸杂志Viktorija au -Rodriguez,Ivan E. Au -Karoor,Vijaya au -Rau,Aline Au -Trinh,Becky B. Au -Deleyiannis,Frederic W -B。au -taraseviciene -stewart,laima y1-2018/04/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/4/4/1701661.abstract n2 -Electronic Grieette(E -Cigarette)在美国的使用情况非常大在过去的5年中,由于对传统香烟的年龄限制,积极进取的营销以及对电子烟是一种健康的选择,增加了。电子烟含有尼古丁,水,甘油,丙二醇和可选调味剂。吸入时,设备将成分加热到蒸气中[1]。众所周知,烟草香烟烟雾会对心血管系统产生有害影响,血管生成和皮肤毛细血管灌注,通过直接损伤血管壁,血小板聚集增加,微血管血栓形成[2-4] [2-4]和炎症[5],E [5],E的后果,E的后果- 肺部的葡萄球聚集蒸气暴露在很大程度上没有探索[6,7]。最近,Lerner等。[8]报道说,通过人支气管气道上皮细胞(H292)和胎儿肺肺成纤维细胞(HFL1)以及小鼠肺和小鼠肺的毒性和电子烟流体产生的蒸气以及诱导的毒性,氧化应激和炎症反应。Garcia-Arcos等。 [9] showed that the aerosolised nicotine-containing e-cigarette fluid increased airway hyperreactivity, distal airspace enlargement, mucin production, and cytokine and protease expression in mice, implying potential dangers of nicotine inhalation during e-cigarette use. The inflammatory response to e-cigarette use involved increased neutrophil activation and mucus production [10], and decreased mucociliary clearance [11]. In human embryonic and mouse neural stem cells, human pulmonary fibroblasts [12], and skin and lung cells [13], cytotoxicity of e-cigarette vapour was correlated with the number and concentration of chemicals used to flavour the fluids. We recently showed in the skin flap survival model in vivo that nicotine-containing e-cigarette vapour is just as harmful to the microcirculation as tobacco cigarette smoke [4].Electronic cigarettes are as toxic as tobacco cigarettes and can cause significant lung damage http://ow.ly/qT1l30ig1oR ER -