PT-日记文章Au -Ladjemi,Maha Zohra au -Lecocq,MarylèneAu -Weynand,Birgit au -Bowen,Holly Au -Gould,Gould,Hannah J.Au -van Snick,van Snick,Jacques au -detry,detry,Bruno au -pilette,Charles ti- Pillets,Charles ti- Pillets Ti-COPD 中B细胞通过通过肺上皮白细胞介素-6和TACI途径辅助提高IgA的产生-109031936.00063914 DP- 2015年APR 01 TA-欧洲呼吸器-4 4099 - 4100 - so -eur Respir so -eur Respir j2015 apr apr apr so01;45 AB-尽管与粘膜防御相关,IgA的产生和肺B细胞的功能在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)中仍然未知。我们评估了COPD(n = 28)和对照(n = 21)患者的肺中的IgA合成,并调节与体外重新确定的气道上皮相共培养的B细胞。在COPD肺组织中,IGA1的合成增加,从而导致其在上皮下区域的积累。在体外,COPD支气管上皮印记了正常的人B细胞,以增加IgA的产生(主要是IgA1),并成熟成CD38+浆细胞。这些作用与TACI(跨膜激活剂和CAML相互作用者)的上调有关,并在静止条件下观察到,同时在用香烟烟雾提取物刺激后部分抑制。白介素(IL)-6和BAFF(B细胞激活因子)/4月(诱导增生的配体)分别在COPD上皮和肺组织中上调。 the IgA-promoting effect of the COPD bronchial epithelium was inhibited by targeting IL-6 and, to a lower extent, by blocking TACI. These data show that in COPD, the bronchial epithelium imprints B-cells with signals promoting maturation into IgA-producing plasma cells through the action of two epithelial/B-cell axes, namely the IL-6/IL-6 receptor and BAFF-APRIL/TACI pathways, while cigarette smoke partly counteracts this IgA-promoting effect. COPD epithelium induces B-cell maturation of IgA-producing plasma cells via IL-6/IL-6R and BAFF-APRIL/TACI pathways