TY -的T1低社会经济地位和肺功能JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 856 LP - 857欧元——10.1183/09031936.00178414六世- 45 - 3盟Quanjer Philip h . Y1 - 2015/03/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/45/3/856.abstract N2 - Taylor-Robinson et al .[1]的研究是独特的,因为大量的主题与囊性纤维化,仔细的跟踪和详细的统计分析,作者基于此结论。这项了不起的研究是在预期寿命较短的人群中进行的。在几十年的时间里,评估社会经济地位(SES)对肺功能的影响对于患有呼吸系统疾病的受试者来说尤其令人生畏。自从社会流行病学之父Villermé[2,3]的开创性工作以来,许多研究都记录了社会经济地位与成长以及成年期死亡率的关系。人们也普遍认为,儿童时期的不利条件会导致发育不良。例如,在一项针对印度儿童[4]的研究中,与SES最高的儿童相比,SES最低的儿童身高要小4%,1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)和用力肺活量(FVC)的差异高达16.7%;调整年龄和身高的差异并不能解释这些差异。因此,我们可以得出这样的结论:较低(“较差”、“较差”或“受损”)的FEV1和FVC代表与较差的SES相关的损害。尽管这很可能是事实,但关联并不能证明因果关系。这个结论完全建立在这样一个概念上:身材是胸腔尺寸的一个很好的代表。 However, poor SES or nutritional and health problems (lumped together as SES for short) during early childhood are associated with smaller leg length relative to the height of the upper body segment [5], which biases prediction equations of lung function based on height. There is no evidence that growth stunting due to poor SES is limited to height, so it is logical to assume that chest dimensions will also be affected. If poor SES leads to a 1%, 2% or 3% lower width, depth and height of the thoracic cage, this leads to a 3%, 6% and 9% lower volume of the chest cavity, respectively. Taking into account measurement error and individual variability, it will be difficult to assess such small differences, but they cannot be discarded and might (in part) explain the observed difference in growth of FEV1. Measurements of chest circumference in a large number of subjects might throw some light on the role of differences in body frame. It is bold to disregard the potential role of poor socioeconomic status in lung function over decades of adult life http://ow.ly/DW6kn ER -