@Article {Leung1051,作者= {Leung,Regina Wai Man and McKeough,Zoe J.和Peters,Matthew J.和Alison,Jennifer A.},title = {短形式的Sun-sun style t {\ tokequoteright} ai chi as AS患有COPD}的人的运动训练方式,音量= {41},number = {5},pages = {1051---1057},年= {2013},doi = {10.1183/09031936.00036912}社会},摘要= {该研究的目的是确定短形式的太阳式t {\ textquoteright} ai chi(sstc)(a部分)(a Part a),并研究SSTC(B部分)对患有患者的运动强度(B部分)慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)。A部分:确认资格后,将参与者随机分配给T {\ textquoteright} ai Chi组或对照组(通常的医疗服务)。T {\ TextQuoteright} AI Chi组的参与者每周两次训练12周。B部分:完成了T {\ texquoteright} AI CHI组的培训的参与者进行了峰值运动测试(增量穿梭测试)和SSTC,同时测量了氧气消耗(VO2)。SSTC的运动强度由VO2储备的百分比确定。在1 S 59 {\ textpm} 16 \%预测的42名参与者中(平均{\ textpm} SD强迫呼气量),38部分A部分和15部分完成B部分。与对照相比,SSTC显着增加了Endurance Shutter Walk Time(平均值步行时间)差384 s,95 \%ci 186 {\ textendash} 510); reduced medial-lateral body sway in semi-tandem stand (mean difference -12.4 mm, 95\% CI -21{\textendash} -3); and increased total score on the chronic respiratory disease questionnaire (mean difference 11 points, 95\% CI 4{\textendash}18). The exercise intensity of SSTC was 53{\textpm}18\% of VO2 reserve. SSTC was an effective training modality in people with COPD achieving a moderate exercise intensity which meets the training recommendations.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/5/1051}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/41/5/1051.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }