RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Overweight is not a comorbidity factor during childhood asthma: the GrowthOb study JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD 188bet官网地址European Respiratory Society SP 1120 OP 1126 DO 10.1183/09031936.00103311 VO 39 IS 5 A1 Mahut, Bruno A1 Beydon,Nicole A1 Delclaux,Christophe Yr 2012 Ul //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/39/5/1120.abstract abtract abtract abtract lessewight and steceight是儿童哮喘的危险因素,体重指数(BMI)的重要性(BMI)作为合并症因素仍然存在争议。这项研究的目的是评估超重与儿童哮喘特征之间的关系。根据特征状态,在哮喘儿童中评估了BMI,BMI Z分数和国际肥胖工作组(IOTF)等级,在过去3个月中的症状,运动呼吸困难,治疗和肺部功能,有6-15岁的儿童确认哮喘。前瞻性招募了491名哮喘儿童(平均±SD年龄10.8±2.6岁; 179名女性)。有78(15.5%)超重(IOTF 1级)和八个(1.6%)肥胖(2级)儿童。儿童的BMI Z分数根据特应性,加剧,无症状的日期或治疗没有差异。BMI Z得分与女性1 s的强迫生命能力和强迫呼气量呈正相关,这可能与超重女性的早期青春期有关(增长量增加了体积)。 Compared with normal weight children, overweight and obese children had reduced lung volume ratios (functional residual capacity/total lung capacity (TLC) and residual volume/TLC), no evidence of airflow limitation and similar symptoms. In conclusion, the observed functional relationships with BMI are not specific to asthma and being overweight is not associated with significant clinical impacts on asthma during childhood.