PT-期刊文章Au -Pelosi,P Au -Crotti,S au -Brazzi,L au -Gattinoni,L Ti-成人呼吸遇险综合征中的计算机断层扫描:它教了我们什么?DP- 1996年5月1日TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -1055---1062 VI -9 IP -5 4099 - so -eur Respir J1996 5月1日;9 AB计算机断层扫描(CT)在提高我们对成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的病理生理学的了解方面发挥了重要作用,并在确定该综合症治疗中常用的不同动作的形态和功能关系方面发挥了重要作用。(身体位置的变化,阳性呼吸压力(PEEP)的应用和机械通气)。在疾病的早期,肺泡的特征是血管通透性的同质改变。因此,水肿在所有肺部分布(同质肺)中均匀积累。由于水肿的增加而增加的肺部重量通过静水力(压缩性肺炎肺部)的传播导致沿垂直轴的肺区域塌陷。因此,病变主要出现在依赖的肺部区域(持不同肺)。在灵感期间,在高原压力下,肺部单元重新打开,如果施用的窥视符合足够的速度,则在随后的到期期间保持开放。足够的PEEP等于或高于压缩该单元的静液压力。 Prone position is another manoeuvre which allows previously collapsed lung regions to reopen and, conversely, compresses previously aerated regions, reversing the distribution of gravitational forces. During late ARDS, there is less compression atelectasis and the lung undergoes structural changes, due to the reduced amount of oedema. This is usually associated with CO2 retention and the development of emphysema-like lesions. In conclusion, computed tomography is not only a research tool, but a useful technique which allows a better understanding of the progressive change in strategy needed to ventilate the adult respiratory distress syndrome lung at different stages of the disease.