PT-日记文章Au -Pfitzenmeyer,P au -Foucher,P au -Dennewald,G au -Chevalon,B au -debieuvre,D au -bensa -bensa,p au -piard,f au -piard,f au -camus,p ti -pleopulmonary ti -pleopulmonary ti诱导的变化Ergoline Drugs DP- 1996年5月1日-TA-欧洲呼吸杂志PG -1013--1019 VI -9 IP -5 4099 - 4100 -http:/http:/ so -eur Respir J1996 5月1日;9 AB-经典的ergolines,例如溴o不般,甲氧甲基胺和麦角胺,可以诱导慢性胸膜炎。我们介绍了八名患者的病例,他们在其他ergolines上发生了类似变化。在跨越1985 - 1995年的回顾性案例研究中,综述了临床数据,放射学材料,肺泡灌洗和组织病理学。回顾了有关厄尔戈林诱导的胸膜肺变化的早期文献。在长期治疗期间,八个中年对两性的中年对肺肺的变化发生了胸膜肺变化(n = 4)(n = 4),二羟基抗磷酸酯(n = 3)或二羟基胺(n = 1)。胸部X光片和计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描在六种情况下,有或没有胸腔积液的胸膜胸膜增厚有或没有胸腔积液。在大多数人中,红细胞沉积率提高。纯间质性肺炎在两名患者二羟基抗磷酸患者中发育不良,每种患者都具有可逆性。 Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in four cases and was abnormal in all, but demonstrated no consistent pattern. Most patients exhibited lung restriction. The outcome was favourable showing slow improvement in all cases following discontinuation of the ergoline. Slight residual pleural thickening was seen in five out of the six cases with pleural involvement. Nicergoline and dihydroergotamine can induce a syndrome of chronic pleural thickening/effusion that slowly improves after drug withdrawal. Dihydroergocristine can induce reversible interstitial pneumonitis.