RT Journal文章SR Electronic T1口服海洛因:缺乏对“粉鲀”综合征的呼吸困难和运动耐力的影响JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 926 OP 931 VO 4 IS 8 A1 Eiser, N A1 Denman, WT A1 West, C A1 Luce,188bet官网地址本研究的目的是评估二苯胺对严重慢性气流阻塞和正常动脉二氧化碳张力(PCO2)水平(“粉红鲀”综合征)患者的呼吸困难和运动耐力的影响。在这项双盲、交叉、随机研究中,我们在14例“粉红河豚”患者中检查了单剂量和多剂量口服海洛因的急性和慢性影响。平均静息1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)为36%,平均动脉血氧张力(PaO2)为9.2 kPa,平均PaCO2为5.2 kPa。10名患者分别服用2.5或5mg的diamorphine或6小时的安慰剂,持续2周,在日记卡上记录呼吸困难、困倦和视觉模拟量表(VAS)的健康状况。最后的治疗给予30分钟,然后测量肺量、动脉血气、血浆吗啡水平、6分钟步行距离、在跑步机上行走时间和运动后在VAS量表上自我评估呼吸困难。在接下来的两天里,8名患者分别服用7.5 mg的diamorphine或安慰剂,间隔4小时。在每次剂量前和每次剂量后1小时测量肺活量、6分钟步行距离和呼吸困难的VAS评分。吗啡水平和血气也被测量。 Whether given in single or repeated doses, oral diamorphine had no significant effect on exercise tolerance and breathlessness when compared with placebo. Diamorphine 2.5-7.5 mg produced neither sleepiness nor a deterioration in blood gases. However, plasma levels associated with analgesic efficacy were not achieved with these doses. Thus, as given in this study, oral diamorphine is unlikely to have therapeutic potential in the treatment of dyspnoea in the "pink puffer" syndrome.