@article {Perrin40, author = {Perrin, B and Lagier, F and L{\textquoteright}Archeveque, J and Cartier, A and Boulet, LP and Cote, J and Malo, JL}, title ={职业性哮喘:监测呼气流量峰值率和非过敏性支气管反应的有效性与特定的吸入刺激相比},volume = {5}, number = {1}, page = {40- 48}, year = {1992}, publisher = {European Respiratory Society},188bet官网地址在职业性哮喘诊断中,监测峰值呼气流速(PEFR)和对组胺或甲基胆碱刺激浓度(PC20)的支气管反应性的敏感性和特异性已被确定,并与特定的吸入挑战进行了比较。本研究对61名职业性哮喘患者进行了前瞻性研究。在不工作的一段时间内,至少两周内每2小时评估一次PEFR。工作时间为2周,如果症状加重或PEFR有显著变化则更短。在工作和工作之外至少获得一次PC20评估。三位经验丰富的读者以盲方式解释PEFR和PC20值的图表。61例中有54例(78%)有3例完全一致。61名受试者中有25人(41%)有阳性的特异性吸入刺激。 The best index for comparing results of PEFR with specific inhalation challenges was the visual analysis of PEFR with sensitivity and specificity of 81\% and 74\%. All of the numerical indices were significantly less satisfactory. We conclude that visual analysis of PEFR is an interesting tool for investigating occupational asthma, although sensitivity and specificity values do not seem satisfactory enough to warrant using it alone.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/5/1/40}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/5/1/40.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }