ty -jour t1-辩论气流阻塞的定义:继续前进的时间?JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -527 LP -528 DO -10.1183/09031936.00103309 VL -34 IS -3 AU -MILLER -MILLER,M.R. AU -PEDERSEN,PEDERSEN,O. F. AU -PELLEGRINO,R.AU -AU -BRUSASCO,R.AU -BRUSASCO,V。Y1,V.Y1 Y1-2009/09/01 ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/34/3/3/527.abstract N2-医学的临床实践涉及准确的病史进行和适当的临床检查,然后进行可能的诊断。考虑患者的病情。这通常会导致进行调查以确认或驳斥可能的诊断。这些研究可能具有视觉性质,例如成像(放射学,磁共振成像或超声检查)或内窥镜检查,也可以是测量生理指标,例如血压,身高,体重,体重,肺功能或血液检查测量。对于大多数测量值,临床医生被用来公认的正常范围的概念,而男性和女性可能会有所不同。这些范围可能完全不同且相对不变。对于其他测量,情况不太清楚,例如血压可接受的范围可以由它们与生存的关系和不良预后风险的关系来定义1.在肺功能测试中,通常是从健康的非吸烟受试者中获得的正常范围,并且取决于与其他许多方面有关 the individual subject in question, namely their age, sex, height and ethnic background 2. This complicates the way in which a clinician can quickly interpret whether a subject's result is abnormal. The American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society task force on the standardisation of lung function testing has recommended that a given test is said to be abnormal when the measured value is below the lower limit of normality (LLN), defined as 1.645 standard deviations below predicted 3. However, an alternative way to define a lower limit for deciding on the presence of airflow obstruction for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), based on the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) to forced … ER -