RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 First acute haemodynamic study of soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator riociguat in pulmonary hypertension JF European Respiratory Journal JO Eur Respir J FD 188bet官网地址European Respiratory Society SP 785 OP 792 DO 10.1183/09031936.00039808 VO 33 IS 4 A1 Grimminger, F. A1 Weimann,G。A1Frey,R.A1 Voswinckel,R.A1 Thamm,M.A1Bölkow,D.A1 Weissmann,N.A1Mück,W.A1 Unger,S.A1 Wensing,S.A1 Wensing,G.A1 Schermuly,R.T.A1 Ghofrani,R.T.A1哈。YR 2009 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/33/4/785.abstract AB肺动脉高压(pH)与血管舒张一氧化氮(NO)的产生受损有关。Riociguat(BAY 63-2521;拜耳医疗保健AG,德国Wuppertal)直接作用于可溶性鸟苷酸环化酶,刺激酶,并提高敏感性对低水平的敏感性。本研究评估了中度至重度pH(肺动脉高压,远端慢性血栓栓塞性pH或pH值轻度至中度间质肺疾病)患者的riociguat安全性,耐受性和功效。在四名pH患者中,通过增量给药来鉴定最佳耐受剂量。在10和5例pH患者中,单剂量给药(2.5 mg或1 mg)后,评估了药物动力学和药代动力学参数(2.5 mg或1 mg)。分析所有受试者(n = 19)的安全性和耐受性。riociguat的单剂量≤2.5mg时具有有利的安全性。它以剂量依赖性方式显着改善了pH患者的肺血液动力学参数和心脏指数,而不是吸入NO。 Although riociguat also had significant systemic effects and showed no pulmonary selectivity, mean systolic blood pressure remained >110 mmHg. The present report is the first to describe the use of riociguat in patients with pulmonary hypertension. The drug was well-tolerated and superior to nitric oxide in efficacy and duration. Riociguat, therefore, has potential as a novel therapy for pulmonary hypertension and warrants further investigation.