ty -jour t1-您的赛车将帮助您退出:COPD和α 1 -Antitrypsin Deafienica Deafienical Research JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1244 LP -1246 DO-10.1183/09031936.00026409 VL -33 IS -6 au -Soriano,J。B. Au -Miravitlles,M。Y1-2009/06/01 ur -http://erj.erwww.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content.com/content/content/33/6/6/6/1244.absct我们对肺活量测定法的了解越多,我们就会受到挑战。Au Contaire,农民精通马匹,并经验丰富,可以识别具有潜在才能的年轻纯种。他们指的是踢马的效果,说,如果您训练了一款精美的年轻种马,那么您很可能会获得赢家。而且,在接近终点线的一定程度上,领先比赛的马比在赛道早期领先的那些领先者更有可能赢得比赛。从数学上讲,这种效果称为共线性。您的基线位置决定了您可能的未来位置。在呼吸医学方面,我们知道弗莱彻(Fletcher)和彼得(Peto 1)著名的肺曲线的搭配效应,这是一个型号,该模型在40年前提出,但尚未得到验证。可以假定,通过使用肺炎慢性肺疾病(COPD)(例如浓烟)高风险的肺活量测定法,您可以在一秒钟(FEV1)下降中发现强迫呼气量的斜率增加。 This increased decline could be used as a screening tool for those who finally develop the disease. In 1981, this was named as the lung function horse-racing effect 2. As stated by Fletcher and Peto 1, “In a race between fast and slow horses … one would expect to find the faster horses out in front halfway through the race”. In the current issue of the European Respiratory Journal, Dawkins et al. 3 report on a 3-yr prospective follow-up study of FEV1 and transfer coefficient of the lung for carbon monoxide (KCO) in a group of 101 patients with PiZ α1-antitrypsin deficiency (α1-ATD). Dawkins et al. 3 found that FEV … ER -