TY - T1的婴儿肺炎,未能茁壮成长和持续radiographical变化JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 172 LP - 176欧元做- 10.1183/09031936.00113206六世- 30 - 1 AU - n·汤普森盟- s Saglani AU - A .布什Y1 - 2007/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/30/1/172.abstract N2 - 9男提出他的当地医院两周腹泻和呕吐的历史和48小时历史tachypnoea,咕哝着。他是无热的入院时在室内空气和氧饱和度96%,但他轻微的呼吸窘迫和tachypnoea。炎症标记物不是提高而是一个胸部x光显示左崩溃和整合。与抗生素输液治疗开始。病人的呼吸模式恶化在入院24小时和他的血氧饱和度下降到90%,要求2.5 L·分钟−1补充氧气。他腹泻定居后48 h但他继续有间歇性呕吐。病人是独生子,足月出生的父母和没有明显疾病无关的,直到这一事件。他有一个完整的免疫历史和实现他的正常发展的里程碑。体重增加是沿着50百分位数的前6个月,但下降对断奶发生以来的第二个百分位数。没有其他值得注意的家族史。 After 2.5 weeks, he still had a significant supplemental oxygen requirement and persisting left-sided chest radiograph abnormalities, despite a change to broader spectrum antibiotics, and so was transferred to the Royal Brompton Hospital (London, UK) for a respiratory opinion. On arrival, he had no significant fever and over the next 4 days he became normally saturated in room air. Antibiotics were stopped as his clinical condition improved. Initial investigations on presentation were normal (table 1⇓), including white cell count differential and blood film. Early morning gastric washings were negative, as were Mantoux and sweat tests. Blood, urine and stool cultures, nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) for viral immunofluorescence and mycoplasma serology were all negative. Radioallergosorbent test for common allergens was negative as was a coeliac screen.View this table:In this windowIn a new windowTable 1— Initial investigations at presentation The patient remained mildly tachypnoeic, despite the absence of an oxygen requirement. A … ER -