TY - T1的人咳嗽摩根富林明的评估指南-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 1256 LP - 1276欧元——六世- 29是- 6非盟- 10.1183/09031936.00101006 a . h . Morice盟——g·a·丰塔纳盟——m·g . Belvisi AU - s s bir盟k·f·钟AU - p v Dicpinigaitis盟J . a . Kastelik AU - l . p . McGarvey盟盟- m .鞑靼盟J . J . a . Smith Widdicombe Y1 - 2007/06/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/29/6/1256.abstract N2 -咳嗽1)所有基础科学文章应该参考咳嗽作为三相电动机的行为。声录音的目的在临床研究中,然而,咳嗽应该被描述为强制开除的策略或演习反对关闭声门特征声音或声音。2)所有的科学文章应该包括一个清晰的定义,作者作为他们咳嗽的定义。辣椒素,柠檬酸吸入咳嗽挑战1)方法的性能吸入咳嗽的挑战应该标准化,促进普遍产生的数据解释和比较不同的实验室。2)全面正常的范围需要使用标准化的方法提倡开发在当前文档。3)次呼吸量效方法使用flow-limited推荐剂量计对大多数实验协议。4)C2和C5都应该被记录下来。5)由于宽inter-individual变异,咳嗽挑战数据没有内在的意义,但可以有效地用于遵循个体中咳嗽反射敏感性的变化。咳嗽引起吸入水解决方案1)Aerosolised水溶液在咳嗽的研究代表了一个有用的实验工具。2)咳嗽的挑战与超声波蒸馏水(雾)难以标准化,因为它是高度依赖于nebuliser输出。 3) Consideration should be given to potential adverse events, such as bronchoconstriction and cross-infection. Cough monitors 1) No cough monitor is currently the gold standard. 2) Monitors should be developed that are ambulatory, are capable of being digitally processed and permit prolonged (24-h) recording. 3) There is little to commend any particular method of quantifying cough over any other. Assessment of quality of life of patients with chronic cough 1) Cough can have profound effects on health status, which can be assessed by cough-specific health status questionnaires. 2) Cough visual analogue scale (VAS, 0–100 mm) should be used to assess cough severity in patients with chronic cough. 3) Patients with chronic cough should be assessed with cough-specific quality-of-life questionnaires in clinical studies. Animal models of cough 1) The most useful animal model of cough is … ER -