PT -期刊文章盟Cambon-Thomsen a . AU - Rial-Sebbag e . AU - knopper b . m . TI -趋势在道德和法律框架使用人类生物银行援助——10.1183/09031936.00165006 DP - 2007年8月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 373 - 382 - 30的IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2007 8月01;30ab -呼吸系统疾病的遗传流行病学和后基因组学的许多研究依赖于生物库的使用,生物库的定义是有组织的生物样本收集与相关的个人和临床数据。生物库的使用越来越多,并引发了一些伦理问题。后基因组时代的伦理趋势和法律框架是什么?在技术的发展和新的研究设计方面是否有新的问题?这如何影响临床医生的态度和与患者的关系?所遇到的主要伦理问题有:知情同意;保密制度;随着时间的推移,样本和数据的二次使用;报告结果; and data sharing. Different levels and modalities of dealing with such issues are identified and vary from legally binding measures to “soft” regulations, such as ethical recommendations by various committees or professional organisations. A further level of complexity appears with the increasing international dimension of such activities in a context in which national positions vary on those topics. There is a tension between a necessary level of diversity in ethical positions and an indispensable common pedestal of principles and procedures to manage these issues in order to foster research. Current legal and ethical trends favour the facilitation of secondary use of samples, more biobank openness, balanced with a growing attention to dialogue and public/stakeholder consultation, an increased role for research ethics committees and more sophisticated data protection and governance structures. SERIES “GENETICS OF ASTHMA AND COPD IN THE POSTGENOME ERA” Edited by E. von Mutius, M. Kabesch and F. Kauffmann Number 6 in this Series