TY - T1的颗粒物、科学和欧盟政策JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 428 LP - 431欧元——10.1183/09031936.00129506六世- 29 - 3盟Annesi-Maesano即非盟- Forastiere f . AU - Kunzli, n . AU - Brunekref b . A2 -Y1 - 2007/03/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/29/3/428.abstract N2 -几个新的研究成果对于健康的影响机载颗粒物(PM)(通常研究粒子的大小,例如PM10,粒子以50%的切断空气动力学直径10μm, PM2.5,在2006年9月举行的两个重要科学会议上,已提出了50%截止空气动力学直径为2.5 μm的粒子:在慕尼黑举行的欧洲呼吸学会(ERS)会议,以188bet官网地址及在巴黎举行的国际环境流行病学学会(ISEE)和国际暴露分析学会(ISEA)联合会议。这并不奇怪,因为:1)空气污染对健康的影响是全球最大的环境问题之一;2)一些科学问题仍然悬而未决;流行病学、毒理学和临床学界都在进行共同的研究工作。下面是对证据的简要回顾。哈佛大学“六座城市”研究2最初提出,长期低水平暴露于PM导致死亡率上升。这些发现在美国癌症协会(ACS) II队列的长期随访(1982-1998)中得到了证实,该队列包括来自美国大城市地区的约50万成年人。 In the latter study, each 10 μg·m−3 elevation in PM2.5 was associated with approximately a 6, 9 and 14% increased risk of all-cause, cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality, respectively. A recent report from Los Angeles 5, which included a large proportion of the ACS II cohort from that area, has indicated that a more refined method for assessing exposure produces a higher risk estimate of mortality increase (17% increase; 95% confidence interval 5–30%) for an increase of 10 μg·m−3 in PM2.5. Well-conducted cohort studies in Europe, which have estimated air pollution exposure at individual residences, confirm the findings from the USA … ER -