TY - JOUR T1 - COPD患者诊断和治疗标准:总结ATS /人意见书JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔欧元和J SP - 932 LP - 946 - 10.1183 / 09031936.04.00014304六世- 23 - 6盟切利,开国元勋之一B.R.安贝德卡对非盟,马克尼w . AU - Agusti, a . AU - Anzueto a . AU - Berg, b . AU - Buist博士,A.S.盟——公司P.M.A.盟,通知联合国非盟-迪拉德,t . AU - Fahy, b . AU -费恩,a . AU -凯西,J . AU - Lareau s . AU -温顺、p . AU -马丁内斯,f . AU - McNicholas w . AU -缪里斯,J . AU - Austegard e . AU - Pauwels r . AU -雷纳德,美国非盟-罗西,a . AU - Siafakas n . AU - Tiep b . AU - Vestbo j . AU -武泰,e . AU - ZuWallack r . Y1 - 2004/06/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/23/6/932.abstract N2 -标准的诊断和治疗COPD患者文档2004更新意见书慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)公布的美国胸科学会(ATS)和欧洲呼吸协会(ERS) 1995年1 2。188bet官网地址由于下列原因,两个协会都认为有必要更新以前的文件。1) COPD作为一种健康问题的患病率和总体重要性正在增加。2)该领域已经有足够的进展,需要更新,特别是适应ATS/ERS选区的特殊需求。3)它允许创建基于web的“活的”模块化文档;它应该为医疗保健专业人员和患者提供用户友好和可靠的权威信息来源。4) COPD的护理应是全面的,往往是多学科的和快速变化的。5) ATS和ERS都承认最近传播的全球阻塞性肺疾病倡议(GOLD) 3是全世界对防治COPD的重大贡献。 However, some specific requirements of the members of both societies require adaptation of the broad GOLD initiative. Those requirements include specific recommendations on oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, noninvasive ventilation, surgery in and for COPD, sleep, air travel, and end-of-life. In addition, special emphasis has been placed on issues related to the habit of smoking and its control. Goals and objectives The main goals of the updated document are to improve the quality of care provided to patients with COPD and to develop the project using a disease-oriented approach. To achieve these goals, both organisations have developed a modular electronic web-based document with two components. 1) A component for health professionals that intends to: raise awareness of COPD; inform on the latest advances in the overall pathogenesis, diagnosis, monitoring and management of COPD; and … ER -