acta optica sinica (acta optica sinica), 2008, 29(3): 429 - 434。AU - Ng, A.W-K。李欧利,L.S-U。AU - Kwek, G. AU - Kwek, S-K.AU - Leow, M.K-S。盟,认真,答:TI -肺功能和运动能力的严重急性呼吸系统综合症的幸存者援助- 10.1183 / 09031936.04.00007104 DP - 2004年9月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 436——442 VI - 24 //的IP - 3 4099 - 4100——//——欧元和J20049月1日;24 AB -本研究的目的是调查一组严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)幸存者的肺功能和运动能力。在出院3个月后,46名SARS幸存者接受了以下评估:肺活量、静态肺容量和一氧化碳转移因子(TL,CO)。 In total, 44 of these patients underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing. No abnormalities were detected in the pulmonary function tests in 23 (50%) of the patients. Abnormalities of forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC and TL,CO were detected in seven (15%), 12 (26%), one (2%) and 18 (39%) patients, respectively. All of these abnormalities were mild except in one case. In 18 patients (41%), the maximum aerobic capacity was below the lower limit of the normal range. Breathing reserve was low in four patients and significant oxygen desaturation was detected in a further four patients. Comparison of the measured exercise capacity with resting pulmonary function tests showed many cases of discordance in impairment. In conclusion, pulmonary function defects were detected in half of the recovered severe acute respiratory syndrome patients 3 months after hospital discharge, but the impairment was mild in almost all cases. Many patients had reduced exercise capacity that cannot be accounted for by impairment of pulmonary function. This study was supported by a grant from the A*STAR Biomedical Research Council.