Ty -jour t1-生命之后的子宫和肺功能 - 欧洲呼吸杂志Au -Gerritsen,J。Y1-2004/11/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/24/5/722.abstract N2-有关子宫内肺和肺部和肺部发展的信息肺功能有限。目前尚无测量值以使其客观化,所有描述气道功能早期决定因素的研究都提及胎盘功能,与胎龄相关的出生体重,性别和种族,性别和种族,环境因素,例如吸烟,母亲的营养和营养新生儿的呼吸道感染。实际上,子宫是一个黑匣子,许多因素会影响胎儿的发展,尤其是肺的发展。另一个复杂的因素是,在出生之前,肺不参与气体交换,也没有完全扩展。对肺部发育的负面影响可能是由:母亲相关的因素,包括缺氧,毒性和其他造成乌顿内胁迫的原因,例如前宾夕化,这会导致增长迟缓,并且常常导致早产;或与儿童相关的因素,例如胎儿疾病,例如先天性肾脏异常和diaphragmapragmantic Hernias。在这个问题中,Greenough等人。 1 present interesting data on the effects of intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR), in children born prematurely, on the severity of lung function impairment. The most important findings of their study include a significant relationship between airway resistance, on the one hand, and IUGR, maternal smoking and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, on the other hand. Almost no data on the impact of IUGR on lung function during infancy are available, until now, despite the known association between IUGR, subsequent … ER -