Ty -jour t1-在密集猪限制设施中新受雇工人的职业哮喘JF-欧洲呼吸杂志AU-劳森,J.A。AU - Kirychuk, S.P. AU - Cormier, Y. AU - Biem, J. AU - Koehncke, N. Y1 - 2004/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/24/4/698.摘要N2-在暴露的工人和暴露于密集的猪生产设施的幼稚志愿者中,已经描述了呼吸症状,肺功能减少和支气管反应的增加。通常,这发生在长期工作或以前未受暴露的幼稚志愿者的人中。目前的作者描述了四个病例,全部女性,他们在开始在密集的猪生产设施中全职工作后的几周内出现了喘息和咳嗽的急性发作。没有一个工人知道任何以前的哮喘,过敏或花粉症。所有四名员工均报告改善了设施停止工作的症状,并因此退出了暴露。但是,当在呼吸诊所看到时,第1例和第3例继续是轻度症状,或者正在服用持续边界气道反应能力的药物,如马克洛琳挑战测试,分别在工作停止后,分别为4个月和5个月。案例2在停止后继续有症状≥3个月。 Only case 1, however, was seen at repeated visits in the respiratory clinic. One worker participated in a work re-entry trial and experienced profound coughing and chest tightness within an hour of entry, after which, the trial had to be terminated. Provocative concentration causing a 20% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (PC20) measured 5 h later was lower than pre-trial PC20. No acute exposure event was recorded in the workers prior to the onset of symptoms. To the current authors' knowledge, this is the first report of occupational asthma occurring in newly employed full-time intensive swine production workers after a short-term exposure and should raise awareness that previously unexposed workers may be at risk of developing what would appear to be long-term asthma after relatively short-term exposure. ER -