作者@article {Dosman698 ={多,J.A.和劳森,J.A.和Kirychuk,……和Cormier, y和Biem, j .和Koehncke N。},标题={职业性哮喘新雇用工人密集型猪监禁设施},体积={24}={4},页面= {698 - 702}= {2004},doi ={10.1183 / 09031936.04.00112102},出版商={欧洲呼吸学会},文摘={呼吸道症状,减少肺功能和增加支气管反应已被描述在暴露工人和na{\ \我}ve志愿者暴露在密集的猪生产设施。188bet官网地址通常,这发生在那些曾在很长一段时间或之前未曝光,na{\ \我}志愿者。当前作者描述四个病例,所有女性,提示为哮喘急性发作喘息和咳嗽在数周内开始全职就业密集型猪生产设施。没有一个工人意识到以往任何哮喘、过敏或花粉热。所有四个员工报告改善症状停止工作设施和顺向退出风险。然而,当看到呼吸诊所,例1和3继续轻微症状或服药气道反应和持续的界线,以醋甲胆碱挑战测试4和5个月,分别后停止工作。第二种情况继续有症状> = 3个月后停止工作。案例1,然而,在呼吸中重复访问诊所。一名工人参加了一个工作重新试验和经验丰富的深刻的咳嗽、胸闷的一小时内,在这之后,审判必须终止。 Provocative concentration causing a 20\% fall in forced expiratory volume in one second (PC20) measured 5 h later was lower than pre-trial PC20. No acute exposure event was recorded in the workers prior to the onset of symptoms. To the current authors{\textquoteright} knowledge, this is the first report of occupational asthma occurring in newly employed full-time intensive swine production workers after a short-term exposure and should raise awareness that previously unexposed workers may be at risk of developing what would appear to be long-term asthma after relatively short-term exposure.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/24/4/698}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/24/4/698.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }