Ty -jour t1-健康婴儿中的呼吸电感学很多学:三种校准方法JF的比较 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J SP -1084 LP -1084 LP -1090 VL -16 IS -6 AU -POOLE -POOLE -POOLE,KA AU -THOMPSON,AU -AU -AU,AU-HMAU -HALINAN -BEARDSMORE,CS Y1-2000/12/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/16/6/6/6/1084.abstract N2-呼吸电感授课Plethymmography(RIP)从身体表面抗衡(RIP)动作。已经提出了各种校准技术,以便可以定量使用RIP。这些包括计算胸腔与腹部体积变化(K)的比例常数。这项研究的目的是1)确定k的固定值是否可以用于校准,2)将该技术与正常健康婴儿中的多个线性回归(MLR)和定性诊断校准(QDC)进行比较。在安静(QS)和活跃的睡眠(AS)中,在12个婴儿中进行了气动扫描(PNT)流动和RIP的记录。睡眠状态下的前5分钟用于计算校准因子,这些因子应用于随后的验证数据。计算了RIP和PNT潮汐体积之间的绝对百分比误差。在QS期间,在广泛的K范围内,百分比误差相似。 However, K became more critical when breathing was out of phase. A standard for K of 0.5 was chosen. There was good agreement between calibration methods during QS and AS. In the first minute following calibration during QS, the mean absolute errors were 3.5, 4.1 and 5.3% for MLR, QDC and fixed K respectively. The equivalent errors in AS were 11.5, 13.1 and 13.7% respectively. The simple fixed ratio method can be used to measure tidal volume with similar accuracy to multiple linear regression and qualitative diagnostic calibration in healthy unsedated sleeping infants, although it remains to be validated in other groups of infants, such as those with respiratory disease. ER -