RT期刊文章SR电子T1肺功能通过过早出生的儿童患有慢性肺部病JF欧洲呼吸杂志的振荡法测量的肺部呼吸杂志188bet官网地址Pelkonen, A A1 Kari, A A1 Sovijarvi, AR A1 Turpeinen, M YR 2000 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/16/4/598.abstract AB Premature birth is related to a chronic respiratory morbidity, which may一直持续到学龄。在这些孩子中,强制振荡技术即使在学龄前年龄,也适用于肺功能,因为它仅需要最小的患者合作。为了研究与早产相关的振荡调查结果,使用振荡技术和常规肺功能方法49个学龄儿童,与(n = 15)或没有(n = 34)慢性肺病(CLD)和18研究了全学期出生的健康孩子。患有CLD的儿童具有较高的呼吸耐药性(RRS,5)和较低的反应性(XRS,5),比没有CLD或健康对照的过早出生的儿童。RRS,5(r = -0.55,p <0.0001)和XRS,5(r = 0.76,p <0.0001)与一秒钟(FEV1)的强迫呼气量显着相关,与螺旋测定法在XRS中的一致性更好,5比RR,5(p = 0.02)。RRS,5与通过人体多生理图测量的气道电阻(RAW)显着相关(r = 0.63,p <0.0001),但在高原始值时低估了电阻。肺扩散能力与振荡发现之间没有显着关系。 Compared to conventional methods, the oscillometric method yields concordant information on the severity of lung function deficit in children born prematurely, with or without chronic lung disease. In these children, the oscillometric findings are probably due to peripheral or more widespread airway obstruction. As conventional methods are not usually suitable for preschool children, oscillometry may serve as an alternative for early evaluation of chronic lung disease among children with premature birth in clinical or research settings.