TY -的T1 - CPAP在日间功能的长期影响患者的睡眠呼吸暂停综合征JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J SP - 676 LP - 681欧元六世- 15 - 4 AU -穆尼奥斯,非盟- Mayoralas LR AU - Barbe F AU - Pericas, J盟——Agusti AG Y1 - 2000/04/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/15/4/676.abstract N2 -白天嗜睡,认知能力受损和烦躁不安的情绪往往出现在患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(SAS)。这种前瞻性对照研究评估的影响持续正压通气(CPAP)治疗1年在日间功能一大群SAS患者。作者研究了80名患者(平均+钙49 + / 1岁)与SAS平均apnoea-hypopnoea 60 + / 2 h指数,和80名健康对照组与性别和年龄(46 + / - 1年)。测量了在研究的开始和12 + / 1个月后,和包括:白天嗜睡(积分尺度),抑郁和焦虑(贝克测试),警惕(避开)和反应时间(智力测验器警觉测试192)。药物、咖啡和酒精摄入,以及睡眠时间表,也记录下来。Results showed that, before treatment, patients were more somnolent (p<0.001), anxious (p<0.01) and depressed (p<0.001) than control subjects. Also, they had a longer reaction time (p<0.05) and poorer vigilance (p<0.01). The use of CPAP improved significantly the levels of somnolence (p<0.0001) and vigilance (p<0.01), but failed to modify anxiety and depression. Reaction time changes were minor. Variables with a potential confounding effect did not change during the study. These results provide firm evidence to substantiate the use of continuous positive airway pressure in patients with sleep apnoea syndrome. ER -