RT期刊文章SR电子T1季节性,但婴儿突然死亡综合征的普遍性在英国大陆的地区因地区而变化,JF欧洲呼吸杂志Jo Eur Respir J FD欧洲呼吸学会SP 95 OP 99 VO 13 IS 1 A1 Douglas,作为A1 Helms,A1 Helms,PJ,PJ188bet官网地址A1 JOLLIFFE,IT 1999 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/1/95.abstract ABSTRAST这项研究旨在调查日期长度的季节性变化是否有助于婴儿猝死综合征的冬季/夏季变化(SIDS)在英国大陆的不同纬度处。研究了11年以上的13,973人死亡。使用适当的分析技术,正弦曲线适合每月速率,幅度表明季节性变化的幅度。北部的每1000个活产率与南方相同(1.73)与南部相同。北部的幅度比南部少四分之一(41.3%)(54.2%)(p <0.001)。虽然年价格没有差异,但年内分配确实如此。SIDS出生的季节性发现相似(幅度:North 213%,南32.3%)。在SIDS幅度和个体环境因素(尤其是温度和日长度)之间建立了相关性。这些复杂的问题虽然简短地报道,但不允许牢固的结论。 In the north the winter day length is shorter, sunshine hours are less and temperature is lower, but the winter increment in SIDS is less. The extent of seasonal variation of sudden infant death syndrome is greater in the south as compared with the colder, darker north but this has no effect on sudden infant death syndrome rates. Changing photoperiod by latitude, amongst other environmental influences, may hold clues to the aetiology of sudden infant death syndrome.