@ Douglas95,作者= Douglas, AS和Helms, PJ和Jolliffe, IT},标题=季节性,但不是婴儿猝死综合症在英国大陆不同地区的流行情况不同,卷={13},数字={1},页数={95- 99},年份={1999},出版社={欧洲呼吸学会},188bet官网地址摘要={本研究旨在探讨英国大陆不同纬度地区冬季和夏季婴儿猝死综合征(SIDS)的季节变化是否与日照长度的变化有关。研究了超过11年的13973例死亡。利用适当的分析技术,用振幅表示季节变化幅度的月率拟合正弦曲线。在北方,每1 000名活产婴儿中小岛屿发展中国家的死亡率与南方相同(1.73)。北部(41.3\%)的振幅比南部(54.2\%)小四分之一(p\<0.001)。虽然年利率没有差异,但年内的分布有差异。SIDS出生的季节性结果相似(振幅:北213\%,南32.3\%)。小岛屿发展中国家振幅与个别环境因素,特别是温度和日长之间存在相关性。虽然对这些复杂问题作了简短的报告,但无法得出明确的结论。 In the north the winter day length is shorter, sunshine hours are less and temperature is lower, but the winter increment in SIDS is less. The extent of seasonal variation of sudden infant death syndrome is greater in the south as compared with the colder, darker north but this has no effect on sudden infant death syndrome rates. Changing photoperiod by latitude, amongst other environmental influences, may hold clues to the aetiology of sudden infant death syndrome.}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/1/95}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/13/1/95.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }