Ty-Jour T1 - 对父母儿童的实验室动物过敏,父母职业暴露在老鼠,大鼠和仓鼠JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J SP - 352 LP - 356 VL - 14是 - 2 Au - Krakowiak,AU -Szulc,B Au - Gorski,P Y1 - 1999/08/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/14/2/352.abstract n2 - 对实验室动物(La)的敏感在普遍存在中实验室工人。尚不清楚LA过敏原是否可以是实验室环境之外致敏对象的危险因素。该研究的目的是调查父母所在的儿童致敏对洛杉矶的敏感性,并且没有职业暴露于洛杉矶。第一组由50名儿童(12.3岁+/- 4.3岁)组成,其父母职业地暴露于小鼠,大鼠和仓鼠。第二组由40名儿童(年龄(平均+/- SD)10.8 +/- 3.0岁)组成,其父母没有职业暴露在洛杉矶。在家里的孩子们被淘汰出局。所有儿童都反应了调查问卷,肺活动量,并使用普通过敏原和刺鼠,从小鼠,仓鼠和大鼠的头发提取物使用普通过敏;还估计了总免疫球蛋白(Ig)e水平和特异性IgE的存在。 Children of parents occupationally exposed to LA presented significantly more positive skin prick tests against allergens from the hair of laboratory animals compared to children of nonexposed parents. Five children from the first group were also found to have specific IgE against LA, with three of these five children complaining of rhinitis and cough while visiting their parents' workplace. It is concluded that the observed increased sensitization to laboratory animals among children of occupationally exposed parents could be the result of poor hygienic conditions at their parents' workplace. Hence, parents' job seems to be an additional risk factor of sensitization and should be taken into consideration when recording an allergic history. ER -