%0期刊文章%a farre,r%rotger,m%Marchal,f%a peslin,r%a navajas,d%t评估支气管反应性通过强制振荡允许避免避免上空的呼吸道人工艺品%D 1999%J欧洲j欧洲呼吸期刊%p 761-766%v 13%n 4%x强制振荡技术(FOT)可以轻松评估支气管反应性。使用标准FOT发电机(SG)会导致受呼吸系统抗性(Delta RRS,SG)的变化,这些呼吸系统受到受外层面上呼吸道(EUA)造成的人工形式影响的影响。目的是通过计算FOT入学的变化(Delta ARS,SG)来改善对SG支气管反应性的FOT评估,这在理论上不受此伪像的影响。Delta RRS,SG和Delta ARS,在17个儿童中支气管挑战后的SG与用头部发生器(HG)FOT设置测量的值(分别为Delta RRS,HG和Delta ARS,HG),将其作为参考(参考),由于HG提供了几乎从EUA伪像的数据。在10 Hz时,SG显着低估了电阻的变化:Delta RRS,SG = 1.77 +/- 0.62对Delta RRS,Hg = 6.09 +/- 1.23 HPA X L(-1)X s。Delta RRS,SG和Delta RRS,HG没有显示显着的相关性。相比之下,SG测得的入学变化的幅度接近使用参考Hg:/delta ars获得的幅度,SG/= 29.5 +/- 4.6 vers/delta ars,hg/= 32.7 +/- 3.9 mlX HPA(-1)X S(-1)。/ delta ars,sg/ and/ delta ars,hg/显示出显着的相关性(r = 0.65,p> 0.01)。 Similar results were found up to 20 Hz. The extrathoracic upper airway artefact was minimized when computing the change in admittance with the standard generator. This forced oscillation technique index may improve the sensitivity in assessing bronchial reactivity with the standard generator setup, which is the most common and easiest to use method for routine lung function testing. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/13/4/761.full.pdf