% 0期刊文章%一个杜米尼克禅宗%丹妮娜Brals %一个迪德梅内塞斯乔安娜Nederby-Ohd % % Sarah Anderson罗伯特·奥尔德里奇% %一个Gerard de Vries %康妮Erkens %瓦伦蒂娜Marchese %一个莫里斯Muzyamba Alberto Matteeli % %工作范休息%增加Spruijt %约翰是%一个Giovanni Battista Migliori %克努特Lonnroth %弗兰克Cobelens %易卜拉欣Abubakar % T司机确定结核病筛查收益率四个欧洲筛查项目:比较分析% D J 2023% R 10.1183/13993003.02396 -2022%欧洲呼吸杂志% P 2202396 % X引入End-TB战略强调早期诊断筛查高危人群的结核病(TB),包括移民。我们分析了结核病的关键驱动收益率的差异四个大移民结核病筛查项目通知欧洲的结核控制规划和可行性方法。方法我们汇集个人结核病筛查数据集从意大利、荷兰、瑞典和英国和分析预测结核病和交互的情况下使用多变量逻辑回归模型。结果2005 - 2018年之间2302260年筛选集在四个国家的2107016名移民;规划确定了1658年的结核病例(收益率72.0每100000人;95%置信区间,ci68.6 - 75.6)。在逻辑回归分析中,我们发现结核病筛查率之间的关联和年龄(> 55年比值比,OR2.91 ci2.24 - 3.78),作为一个寻求政治避难(OR3.19 ci1.03 - 9.83)或者在一个结算签证(OR1.78 ci1.57 - 2.01),关闭结核病接触(OR12.25, 11.73 - -12.79),和更高的结核发病率的原产地(首席运营官)。我们演示了移民类型学和年龄之间的相互作用,以及首席运营官。寻求庇护者,结核病发病率仍类似高于首席运营官风险阈值升高100每100000人。结论结核病产生包括密切接触的关键决定因素,年龄的增加,发病率在首席运营官和特定移民群体包括寻求庇护者和难民。对大多数移民英国学生和工人等,结核病和首席运营官的发病率水平产量显著增加。 The high, CoO-independent TB risk in asylum seekers above a 100 per 100,000 threshold could reflect higher transmission and reactivation risk of migration routes; with implications for selecting populations for TB screening.FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of Interest: Dee Menezes reports grants through project, E-Detect, Work Packge 6.Conflict of Interest: Valentina Marchese reports grant support and travel compensation from EDETECT TB.Conflict of Interest: All other authors have nothing to disclose. %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/early/2023/07/13/13993003.02396-2022.full.pdf