PT - JOURNAL文章AU - Descamps, Alexandre AU - Lenzi, Nezha AU - Galtier, Florence AU - Lainé, Fabrice AU - Lesieur, Zineb AU - Vanhems, Philippe AU - Amour, Sélilah AU - L'Honneur, Anne-Sophie AU - Fidouh, Nadhira AU - Foulongne, Vincent AU - Lagathu, Gisèle AU - Duval, Xavier AU - Merle, Corinne AU - Lina, Bruno AU - Carrat, Fabrice AU - Launay, Odile AU - Loubet, Paul ED -,TI - 2017-2019年法国因呼吸道合胞病毒感染住院的成人住院和出院后中期并发症:一项观察性研究AID - 10.1188 /13993003.00651-2021 DP - 2022年3月01日TA -欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 2100651 VI - 59 IP - 3 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J2022年3月01日;本研究的目的是描述因流感样疾病(ILI)住院的成人呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染的临床特征和住院及出院后的结局,并与因流感住院的患者进行比较。方法前瞻性地纳入连续两个冬季(2017/2018和2018/2019)在法国五所大学医院住院的患有ILI的成年人。采用多重反转录PCR方法检测鼻咽拭子呼吸道合胞病毒和流感病毒。将rsv阳性患者与rsv阴性和流感阳性住院患者进行比较。泊松回归模型用于估计RSV和流感感染之间与住院和出院后结果相关的调整流行率(aPR)。住院结局是至少一种并发症的发生、住院时间≥7天、入住重症监护病房、使用机械通气和住院死亡的综合。出院后结局包括30和90天全因死亡率和90天再入院率。总的来说,1428名住院的成年ILI患者被纳入研究。8%(1428例中114例)检测到RSV, 31%(1428例中437例)检测到流感病毒。RSV住院患者比流感患者年龄大(平均年龄73.0岁对68.8岁,p=0.015),患慢性呼吸系统或心脏疾病的频率高(52%对39%,p=0.012, 52%对41%,p=0.039),住院时间长(中位住院日8天对6天,p<0.001)。 Anti-influenza therapies were less prescribed among RSV patients than influenza patients (20% versus 66%, p<0.001). In-hospital composite outcome was poorer in RSV patients (aPR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1–2.1) than in those hospitalised with influenza. No difference was observed for the post-discharge composite outcome (aPR 1.1, 95% CI 0.8–1.6).Conclusion RSV infection results in serious respiratory illness, with worse in-hospital outcomes than influenza and with similar midterm post-discharge outcomes.Respiratory syncytial virus infection in hospitalised adults with influenza-like illness was associated with poor in-hospital and midterm post-discharge outcomes, which may be worse than or similar to those of patients with influenza virus infection