强调-10作为肺动脉高压患者健康相关生活质量的衡量指标:数据从PHAR摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 2000414 10.1183/13993003.00414 188bet官网地址-2020签证官57 2 A1 Borgese,玛丽莎A1 Badesch,大卫A1公牛,托德•A1 Chakinala Murali A1德马科Teresa A1费尔德曼,杰里米·A1福特、h·詹姆斯·格林南这么A1,丹A1科林格,詹姆斯·r·A1玻利瓦尔,莉娜A1 Shlobin,Oksana A. A1 Frantz, Robert P. A1 Sager, Jeffery S. A1 Mathai, Stephen C. A1 kaut, Steven A1 Leary, Peter J. A1 Gray, Michael P. A1 Popat, Rita A. A1 Zamanian,在英国,针对有限的患者特征,已经对强调-10 (e10)评分的表现进行了评估,在美国,对于e10评分在肺动脉高压(PAH)患者中的表现还没有得到满足。方法使用肺动脉高压关联注册表,我们评估e10评分与人口统计学、功能、血流动力学和其他临床特征之间的基线和长期关系。此外,我们导出了e10评分的最小重要差异(MID)估计。结果我们分析了565名PAH(75%为女性)成年人的数据,平均±sd为55.6±16.0岁。基线时,e10评分与年龄、教育水平、收入、吸烟状况和体重指数等预计会影响一般人群生活质量的因素有显著相关性。临床重要参数包括6分钟步行距离和b型利钠肽(BNP)/ n端proBNP也与基线时和随时间的e10评分显著相关。我们为e10评分生成了一个MID估计值,为−6.0分(范围−5.0 -−7.6分)。Conclusions The e10 score was associated with demographic and clinical patient characteristics, suggesting that health-related quality of life in PAH is influenced by both social factors and indicators of disease severity. Future studies are needed to demonstrate the impact of the e10 score on clinical decision-making and its potential utility for assessing clinically important interventions.Understanding quality of life is critical given the profound impact PAH has on patient lives. This study shows that emPHasis-10 score correlates with demographic and clinical characteristics, and is potentially useful as a clinical trial end-point. https://bit.ly/3k57oaB