RT期刊文章SR电子T1骨膜蛋白:哮喘异常气道上皮功能的贡献者?JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO EUR RESSIR J FD欧洲呼吸协会SP 2001286 DO 10.11188bet官网地址83/13993003.01286-2020 VO 57 IS 2 A1 Burgess,Janette K. A1 Jonker,Marnix R. A1 Berg,A1 Berg,Marijn A1 Ten Hacken,Nick T.H.A1 Meyer,Kerstin B. A1 Van den Berge,Maarten A1 Nawijn,Martijn C. A1 Heijink,Irene H. YR 2021 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/57/57/2/2001286.Abstract Aberostin(Postn aberostin))可以用作哮喘中2型介导的嗜酸性气道炎症的生物标志物。我们假设一种2型细胞因子白介素(IL)-13诱导了Postn的气道上皮表达,这反过空气 - 液体界面分化了原发支气管上皮细胞(PBEC)。此外,评估了重组人邮政对上皮到间质转变(EMT)标记和粘蛋白基因的影响。在支气管活检中分析了单细胞基因的表达和蛋白质水平,并诱导哮喘患者的痰液和健康对照。IL-13增加了两种细胞类型的后表达,并且伴随着BEAS-2B的EMT相关特征。在空气 - 流动界面分化的PBEC中,IL-13增加了基底外侧和顶端释放。顶部的顶部给药增加了MMP-9,MUC5B和MUC5AC的表达。在支气管活检中,POSTN表达主要局限于基础上皮细胞,离子细胞,内皮细胞和成纤维细胞,显示出来自哮喘患者的基础上皮细胞中较高的表达,而对照组显示出较高的表达。 A higher level of POSTN protein expression in epithelial and subepithelial layers was confirmed in bronchial biopsies from asthma patients when compared to healthy controls. Although sputum POSTN levels were not higher in asthma, levels correlated with eosinophil numbers and with the coughing-up of mucus.POSTN expression is increased by IL-13 in bronchial epithelial cells and is higher in bronchial biopsies from asthma patients. This may have important consequences, as administration of POSTN increases epithelial expression of mucin genes, supporting the relationship of POSTN with Type-2 mediated asthma and mucus secretion.High levels of IL-13 in Type-2 driven asthma play a crucial role in the development of the abnormal epithelial phenotype by induction of periostin (POSTN) secretion. POSTN induces mucin production in airway epithelial cells. https://bit.ly/3hg7ETu