TY - T1的现场即时肺超声评估COVID-19患者的危险分层和治疗指导。潜在non-interventional研究摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.04283 -2020欧元SP - 2004283 AU Rubio-Gracia Jorge盟——Gimenez-Lopez Ignacio盟——Garces-Horna Vanesa盟——Lopez-Delgado丹尼尔盟——Sierra-Monzon Jose Luis盟——Martinez-Lostao Luis AU - Josa-Laorden克劳迪娅盟——Ruiz-Laiglesia费尔南多盟——Perez-Calvo胡安Ignacio AU - Crespo-Aznarez,西尔维亚盟——Garcia-Lafuente哈维尔盟,Pena Fresneda娜塔莎盟——爱慕Arriaga, Beatriz盟——Gracia-Tello佳盟——Sanchez-Marteles,玛尔塔Y1 - 2021/01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2021/02/04/13993003.04283 - 2020. -抽象N2 -背景肺超声波(逻辑单元)是可行的评估COVID-19引起的肺损伤。然而,肺损伤的预后意义和时间线上变化评估的逻辑单元COVID-19住院患者,是未知的。方法前瞻性群组研究旨在分析COVID-19患者预后的价值逻辑单元通过使用量化规模(LUZ-score)在第一次在入院72 h。主要终点是住院死亡和/或进入重症监护室。总住院时间,增加氧气流或升级医疗在第一次72 h,是次要的端点。结果130例患者被包含在最终的分析;平均年龄为56.7±13.5年。以来的开始症状直到住院6天(第4 - 9)。肺损伤评估LUZ-score没有差别在第一次72 h(21分(第16 - 26页)在入学和20分在72 h (16-27);p = 0.183)。 In univariable logistic regression analysis estimated PaO2/FiO2 (HR 0.99 [0.98–0.99]; p=0.027) and LUZ-score>22 points (5.45 (1.42–20.90); p=0.013) were predictors for the primary endpoint.Conclusions LUZ-score is an easy, simple and fast point of care ultrasound tool to identify patients with severe lung injury due to COVID-19, upon admission. Baseline score is predictive of severity along the whole period of hospitalisation. The score facilitates early implementation or intensification of treatment for COVID-19 infection. LUZ-score may be combined with clinical variables (as estimated PAFI) to further refine risk stratification.Lung injury caused by COVID-19 can be measured through lung ultrasound (LUS). LUS identify COVID-19 patients at a higher risk of complications. LUS could support clinical-decision making in COVID-19 patients. ER -