TY - T1的血管紧张素转换酶2和血管紧张素(1 - 7)轴在肺动脉高血压JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.02416 -2019欧元六世- 56 - 1 SP - 1902416 AU胡里奥·桑多瓦尔盟-莱昂纳多Del Valle-Mondragon盟-费利佩•美索盟Nayeli Zayas AU -托马斯Pulido盟里卡多Teijeiro AU -赫Gonzalez-Pacheco盟然而Olmedo-Ocampo AU -卡洛斯Sisniega盟婀瑞思利Paez-Arenas盟Gustavo Pastelin-Hernandez盟——何塞在肺动脉高压(PAH)的动物模型中,血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)2和血管紧张素(Ang)-(1-7)已被证明具有血管扩张、抗增殖、抗纤维化和抗肥厚的特性。然而,ACE2-Ang(1-7)轴在人类PAH中的地位和作用尚不完全清楚。方法对85例病因不同的多环芳烃患者进行研究。55名按年龄和性别配对的健康献血者作为对照组。在右心导管插入术期间,从PAH患者的肺动脉中获得血液样本。采集两组患者的外周血。区带毛细管电泳法测定Ang(1-7)和-II。ELISA法测定醛固酮、Ang(1-9)、AngA和ACE2,酶法测定ACE2活性。结果85例患者中,特发性PAH 47例,先天性心脏病相关PAH 25例,胶原血管病相关PAH 13例。与对照组相比,PAH患者AngII浓度更高(中位数1.03,四分位范围0.72-1.88 pmol·mL−1 vs 0.19, 0.10-0.37 pmol·mL−1; p<0.001) and of aldosterone (88.7, 58.7–132 ng·dL−1 versus 12.9, 9.55–19.9 ng·dL−1; p<0.001). Conversely, PAH patients had a lower concentration of Ang(1–7) than controls (0.69, 0.474–0.91 pmol·mL−1 versus 4.07, 2.82–6.73 pmol·mL−1; p<0.001), and a lower concentration of Ang(1–9) and AngA. Similarly, the ACE2 concentration was higher than in controls (8.7, 5.35–13.2 ng·mL−1 versus 4.53, 1.47–14.3 ng·mL−1; p=0.011), whereas the ACE2 activity was significantly reduced (1.88, 1.08–2.81 nmol·mL−1 versus 5.97, 3.1–17.8 nmol·mL−1; p<0.001). No significant differences were found among the three different aetiological forms of PAH.Conclusions The AngII–ACE2–Ang(1–7) axis appears to be altered in human PAH and we propose that this imbalance, in favour of AngII, plays a role in the pathogenesis of the severe PAH. Further mechanistic studies are warranted.This study demonstrates that in patients with PAH of different aetiologies there are alterations of the ACE2-angiotensin (1–7)-MAS axis. Analysis of blood samples also demonstrates the presence of antibodies directed against ACE2 https://bit.ly/3alEbnJ ER -