@article {Hamada1901967, author = {Hamada, Yohhei and Figueroa, Carmen and Mart{Mario and Falzon, Dennis and Kanchar, Avinash}, title ={孕妇和产后妇女异烟肼结核预防治疗的安全性:世界卫生组织(WHO)建议高危人群进行结核病(TB)预防治疗。目前,世界卫生组织(WHO)建议高危人群进行结核病预防治疗。188bet官网地址异烟肼预防治疗(IPT)已在全球范围内用于这一目的多年,包括妊娠。这篇综述评估了目前关于妊娠期IPT安全性的知识。我们在PubMed、Embase、CENTRAL、Global Health Library和艾滋病毒和结核病相关的会议摘要中检索了截至2019年5月15日的随机对照试验(rct)和非随机试验(NRS),其中孕妇接受IPT治疗。我们关注的结局是:1)孕产妇结局,包括由于药物不良反应而永久停药、任何3级或4级药物相关毒性反应、任何原因导致的死亡和肝毒性;2)妊娠结局,包括宫内胎儿死亡、新生儿死亡或死产、早产/早产儿、宫内生长受限、低出生体重和先天性异常。采用随机效应模型进行荟萃分析。结果筛选1342篇文献后,9篇研究(34 - 51 942名参与者)符合纳入标准。在一项随机对照研究中,我们发现接受IPT的孕妇与未接受IPT的孕妇相比,肝毒性的可能性增加(风险比为1.64,95\% CI 0.78{\textendash}3.44)。 Four studies reported on pregnancy outcomes comparing IPT exposure to no exposure among pregnant women with HIV. In one RCT, adverse pregnancy outcomes were associated with IPT exposure during pregnancy (odds ratio (OR) 1.51, 95\% CI 1.09{\textendash}2.10), but three NRS showed a protective effect.Conclusions We found inconsistent associations between IPT and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Considering the grave consequences of active TB in pregnancy, current evidence does not support systematic deferral of IPT until postpartum. Research on safety is needed.Studies report conflicting links between isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Given known harms of active TB in pregnancy, the findings do not support systematic deferral of IPT until postpartum. We need more safety research. http://bit.ly/2R0Wc3G}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/3/1901967}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/3/1901967.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }