RT期刊论文SR电子T1 CX3CR1-CXXXC趋轴驱动器在纤维化间质性肺病的单核细胞的动力学变化JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO欧洲呼吸ĴFD欧洲呼吸协会SP 1900460 DO 10.1183 / 13993003.00460-2019 VO 55 2 A1 Greiffo,Flavia的R.188bet官网地址A1比特里-Alvarez的,瓦莱里娅A1 Frankenberger,马里恩A1 Dietel,丹妮拉A1特加-Gomez的,阿尔穆德纳A1李,乔伊斯S. A1 Hilgendorff,安A1洱,尔根A1 Soehnlein,奥利弗A1 Eickelberg,奥利弗A1费尔南德斯,伊希斯E. YR 2020UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/2/1900460.abstract AB循环免疫细胞群已被证明有助于间质性肺病(ILD)。在这项研究中,我们分析了循环和肺驻地单核细胞群,并评估他们的表型和招聘从血液到ILD肺。流动的血液样品的流式细胞术分析用于定量循环单核细胞在105名受试者中进行的:83与ILD(N = 36,N = 28和n = 19,用于非特异性间质性肺炎,过敏性肺炎和结缔组织疾病相关的ILD,分别地),以及22控制。单核细胞的定位和丰度是使用免疫荧光和肺组织的流式细胞术评估。单核细胞群中单独的或与内皮细胞,以评估CXXXC趋依赖性轮回图案培养。我们表明,循环的单核细胞古典(CM)在ILD分别增加与对照组相比,虽然非经典的单核细胞(NCM)明显降低。CM丰肺功能呈负相关,而NCM丰正相关。 Both CCL2 and CX3CL1 concentrations were increased in plasma and lungs of ILD patients. Fractalkine co-localised with ciliated bronchial epithelial cells, thereby creating a chemoattractant gradient towards the lung. Fractalkine enhanced endothelial transmigration of NCM in ILD samples only. Immunofluorescence, as well as flow cytometry, showed an increased presence of NCM in fibrotic niches in ILD lungs. Moreover, NCM in the ILD lungs expressed increased CX3CR1, M2-like and phagocytic markers. Taken together, our data support that in ILD, fractalkine drives the migration of CX3CR1+ NCM to the lungs, thereby perpetuating the local fibrotic process.The compartmental imbalance of fractalkine mediates the migration of nonclassical monocytes into fibrotic lung tissues. Furthermore, nonclassical monocyte-derived cells show a M2-like and phagocytic phenotype in ILD lungs. http://bit.ly/2CMFWex