PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Sdona, Emmanouela AU - Hallberg, Jenny AU - Andersson, Niklas AU - Ekstrom, Sandra AU - Rautiainen, Susanne AU - Hakansson, Niclas AU - Wolk, Alicja AU - Kull, Inger AU - Melen, Erik AU - Bergstrom,安娜TI -膳食摄入抗氧化剂在学校年龄和肺功能发展到青春期援助- 10.1183/13993003.00990 -2019 DP - 2020年2月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 1900990 - 55 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2020 2月01;膳食中抗氧化剂的摄入被认为会影响肺功能。来自瑞典以人口为基础的出生队列BAMSE(儿童、过敏、环境、斯德哥尔摩、流行病学)的2307名参与者研究了8岁时饮食中的总抗氧化能力(TAC)与16岁时肺功能发育之间的关系。TAC的信息来自于8年的食物频率问卷。肺功能在8岁和16岁时用肺量法测量,在16岁时用脉冲振荡法(IOS)和呼出一氧化氮分数(FeNO)测量。肺功能低下被定义为用力呼气量在1 s (FEV1) z分数低于第25百分位。经潜在混杂因素调整的混合效应模型分析了TAC和肺功能之间的纵向关联。8年哮喘分层检查效果的改变。TAC摄入量中值为067μmol Trolox等价物(TE)·g−1,与男性相比有较低意味着女性(9963和819μmol TE·g−1)。在分析8至16年间的肺功能变化时,总研究人群中三羧酸酯与肺活量测定结果之间无统计学意义的相关性。 Among children with asthma at 8 years (prevalence 7%), higher TAC was associated with higher mean FEV1 (0.46 sd, 95% CI 0.11–0.80) and decreased odds of low lung function at 16 years (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.12–0.65). There were no associations between TAC and forced vital capacity or IOS/FeNO results.High dietary antioxidant intake in school age may be associated with improved lung function development from school age to adolescence among children with asthma.Dietary antioxidant intake at school age may influence lung function development as measured by FEV1 up to adolescence among children with asthma. In contrast, no association was observed among children without asthma.