TY -的T1 -气管软化人声明和儿童bronchomalacia JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00382 -2019欧元六世- 54 - 3 SP - 1900382 AU -沃利斯科林盟——Alexopoulou Efthymia AU - Anton-Pacheco,胡安·l . AU - Bhatt,可以m . AU -布什,Andrew AU - Chang,安妮•b . AU - Charatsi Anne - marie AU -科尔曼,考特尼非盟- Depiazzi,朱莉AU -杜罗河,Konstantinos AU -希伯,恩斯特AU -埃弗拉德马克AU -坎塔尔,艾哈迈德盟——大师,Ian B. AU - Midulla, Fabio AU - Nenna, Raffaella AU - Roebuck, Derek AU - Snijders, Deborah AU - Priftis, Kostas Y1 - 2019/09/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/3/1900382.abstract N2 -气管软化症和气管支气管软化症可能是大气道的主要异常或与各种先天性和获得性疾病有关。诊断、分类和治疗的证据不足。没有普遍接受的严重程度分类。临床表现包括早发性喘鸣或固定性喘息、反复感染、铜质咳嗽甚至濒死发作,这取决于病变的部位和严重程度。对于自由呼吸的儿童,通常通过柔性支气管镜进行诊断,但也可以通过其他动态成像技术进行诊断,如低对比度支气管造影、计算机断层扫描或磁共振成像。肺功能测试可提供支持性证据,但不能诊断。根据病变的性质和严重程度,可以采取药物治疗或手术治疗,但任何治疗方法的证据基础都是有限的。虽然使用了包括支气管扩张剂、抗毒蕈碱剂、粘液溶解剂和抗生素(以及合并症和相关疾病的治疗)在内的医疗选择,但目前几乎没有益处的证据。胸部物理治疗是常见的处方,但证据基础很差。 When symptoms are severe, surgical options include aortopexy or posterior tracheopexy, tracheal resection of short affected segments, internal stents and external airway splinting. If respiratory support is needed, continuous positive airway pressure is the most commonly used modality either via a face mask or tracheostomy. Parents of children with tracheobronchomalacia report diagnostic delays and anxieties about how to manage their child's condition, and want more information. There is a need for more research to establish an evidence base for malacia. This European Respiratory Society statement provides a review of the current literature to inform future study.This statement provides a comprehensive review of the causes, presentation, recognition and management of children with tracheobronchomalacia written by a multidisciplinary Task Force in keeping with ERS methodology http://bit.ly/2LPTQCk ER -