PT -期刊文章盟Rahaghi Farbod n . AU - Argemi吉玛盟,Nardelli Pietro盟——Dominguez-Fandos大卫AU - Arguis,佩德罗AU - Peinado,维克多。非盟-罗斯,James c . AU -灰,撒母耳y . AU - de La Bruere,艾萨克AU -来,卡洛琳e . AU -迪亚兹,亚历杭德罗a . AU -桑切斯,马塞洛非盟- Washko,乔治•r . AU -巴贝拉琼艾伯特AU -圣何塞Estepar,劳尔TI -肺血管密度:在计算机断层扫描成像的比较结果与组织学援助- 10.1183/13993003.00370 -2019 DP - 2019年8月01 TA -欧洲呼吸杂志》第六PG - 1900370 - 54 IP - 2 4099 - // 4100 - //所以欧元和J2019 8月01;研究表明,暴露于香烟烟雾会导致血管重构。血管修剪的计算机断层(CT)成像措施与肺血管疾病相关,这是与吸烟相关的一种重要发病率。在这项研究中,我们比较了基于ct的远端血管丢失与组织学血管和实质改变的测量。方法回顾性分析80例肺切除患者的影像学资料,其中18例适合三维血管重建,19例适合二维血管重建。计算小血管体积(3D)和小血管横截面积(<5 mm2横截面)。所有研究对象均获得了血管横截面积和肺泡间隔缺损的组织学测量结果。结果二维血管横断面积与组织学血管横断面积呈正相关(r=0.69;p = 0.001)。 The arterial small vessel volume assessed by CT correlated with the histological vascular cross-sectional area (r=0.50; p=0.04), a relationship that persisted even when adjusted for CT-derived measures of emphysema in a regression model.Conclusions Loss of small vessel volume in CT imaging of smokers is associated with histological loss of vascular cross-sectional area. Imaging-based quantification of pulmonary vasculature provides a noninvasive method to study the multiscale effects of smoking on the pulmonary circulation.Vascular density on CT imaging correlates with vascular density in histology in smokers. Imaging-based quantification of pulmonary vasculature provides a noninvasive method to study the multiscale effects of smoking on the pulmonary circulation.