RT期刊文章SR电子T1 Epigenome-wide协会研究肺功能水平及其变化的摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 1900457 10.1183/13993003.00457 -2019签证官54 1 A1美狄亚Imboden A1马提亚Wielscher A1费萨尔即A1 Rezwan A188bet官网地址1安德烈F.S. Amaral A1阿沙夫纳小桢A1安娜Beckmeyer-Borowko A1莎拉·e·哈里斯A1约翰•m•斯塔尔A1伊恩·J .宝贝儿A1克劳迪娅弯曲A1梅勒妮Waldenberger A1安妮特•彼得斯A1 Holger舒尔茨A1苏陈A1女孩儿汗阳光A1 J.J. Karmaus A1右玉江A1 Gertraud Erhart A1 Florian Kronenberg A1瑞安Arathimos A1吉玛c .锋利的A1亚历山大John Henderson A1 Yu傅A1 Paivi Piirila A1 Kirsi h . Pietilainen A1 Miina Ollikainen A1 Asa约翰逊A1 Ulf Gyllensten A1 Maaike de Vries A1戴安娜a van der Plaat A1金正日德容A1 h . Marike Boezen A1伊恩·p·霍尔A1马丁·d·托宾A1 Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin A1约翰·w·霍洛韦A1黛博拉·贾维斯A1妮可·m·Probst-Hensch年2019 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/1/1900457.abstract AB先前的报道链接微分DNA甲基化(DNAme)环境因素与肺功能相关。然而,肺功能DNAme直接证据是有限的。我们进行了一个不可知论者epigenome-wide协会研究(ewa) pre-bronchodilation成人肺功能及其变化。在discovery-replication ewa设计,DNAme在血液和肺量测定法测定两次,相隔6年,在同一参与者三个成年人群发现组(n = 2043)。相关DNAme标记(p < 5×10−7)在七个复制测试组(成人:n = 3327;童年:n = 420)。技术bias-adjusted剩余工资的回归正常化绝对β-values水平和变化控制probe-derived原理组件退化1 s的用力呼气量(FEV1)、用力肺活量(FVC)及其比率(FEV1 / FVC)在ewa covariate-adjusted发现。Inverse-variance-weighted荟萃分析结果进行发现和复制样本在所有参与者和不吸烟者。ewa信号是与吸烟有关的DNAme丰富。我们复制57 DNAme标记在成人肺功能,但不是童年样本,所有先前与吸烟有关。标记未与吸烟有关失败的复制。 cg05575921 (AHRR (aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor)) showed the statistically most significant association with cross-sectional lung function (FEV1/FVC: pdiscovery=3.96×10−21 and pcombined=7.22×10−50). A score combining 10 DNAme markers previously reported to mediate the effect of smoking on lung function was associated with lung function (FEV1/FVC: p=2.65×10−20).Our results reveal that lung function-associated methylation signals in adults are predominantly smoking related, and possibly of clinical utility in identifying poor lung function and accelerated decline. Larger studies with more repeat time-points are needed to identify lung function DNAme in never-smokers and in children.An agnostic association study on lung function using longitudinal population-based cohort data shows that differentially methylated genomic sites related to smoking are strongly associated with lung function in adults http://ow.ly/wYID30onUB4