RT期刊论文SR电子T1家庭监控改善特发性肺纤维化JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO欧洲呼吸ĴFD欧洲呼吸协会SP端点效率1602406 DO 10.1183 / 13993003.02406-2016 VO 50 1 A1约翰松,凯丽A. A1 Vittinghoff,埃里克A1188bet官网地址Morisset,朱莉A1李,乔伊斯S. A1巴尔梅斯,约翰R. A1甘兰,哈罗德·R YR 2017年UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/50/1/1602406.abstract AB目的这项研究的是调查的可靠性,可行性和用力肺活量(FVC)和呼吸困难,如特发性肺纤维化的临床终点以家庭为基础的测量分析影响(IPF)。患者IPF进行FVC的每周家庭为基础的考核和呼吸困难使用移动手持肺活量计和自我管理的呼吸困难问卷调查。在FVC每周变异性和呼吸困难估计,并进行了模拟使用任一传统的基于办公室的间隔测量或移动每周assessment.In总的假想24周的临床试验的样品大小,25名患者参加。Mean adherence to weekly assessments over 24 weeks was greater than 90%. Compared with change assessment using baseline and 24-week measurements only, weekly assessment of FVC resulted in enhanced precision and power. For example, a hypothetical 24-week clinical trial with FVC as the primary endpoint would require 951 patients using weekly home spirometry compared with 3840 patients using office spirometry measures at weeks 1 and 24 only. The ability of repeated measures to reduce clinical trial sample size was influenced by the correlation structure of the data.Home monitoring can improve the precision of endpoint assessments, allowing for greater efficiency in clinical trials of therapeutics for IPF.Home monitoring improves endpoint efficiency in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis #AdvancesinILD @ERSTalk http://ow.ly/F5L930bUypH